Agnico Eagle
Val-d’Or, QC (Canada)
Gold Ore
3 km long – 17.5% Grade
600 tons/h – Underground
6 Trains (160m each)- 91 Drive Stations
Efficiency, Energy & Emissions Whitepaper (DOWNLOAD)

28,000 truck
Extended the life of the mine and increased profitability by minimizing dependency on truck haulage, reduced ventilation costs and optimized haulage route. Site analysis demonstrated significant emissions reduction through utilization of Railveyor – up to 39% when compared to truck haulage.
Agnico Eagle’s Goldex Mine, located in Val-d’Or, Quebec is a relatively low-grade gold orebody beset with geotechnical challenges. The “Deep 1” zone was discovered in 2007 but initially written off as unprofitable to mine due to issues around rock stability and ventilation costs associated with truck haulage. The entire Goldex mine was slated to be closed by 2018 until the Railveyor system rejuvenated the successful mining of Deep 1.
- +18% production increase, setting an all-time record at Goldex mine
- -14% cost per ounce saved on gold produced
- $8M saved in one year due to reduced costs
- +7 years to the lifespan of the mine
- Q4 2020: 5 million tons hauled since commissioning
“Innovation is like Exploration. If you don’t drill, you won’t find anything. If you don’t invest in technology and ideas, and invest in your people who are bringing those ideas forward, then you aren’t going to improve your business … people know if they come forward with a good idea, we will find a way to fund it. That’s the way we’ve run the business for many, many years. When we get ideas at certain sites to dramatically change the cost structure or improve the efficiencies based on introducing a new technology then we listen as much as we listen when we’ve got a good drill result at a deposit. Good example is the Railveyor at Goldex. Old technology applied in an innovative way which lowers the cost as we go deeper.”
— Sean Boyd CEO, Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd

Railveyor was able to make a lower-grade ore profitable to mine through reduced ventilation costs with all electric motors. Combined with energy sourced through hydroelectric power, carbon emissions are potentially lowered as well.
Goldex Railveyor Video